jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Drone Gun - Noe Ramos

  Drone Gun 

The Battelle firm provides in USA, This new non-conventional weapon And low risk Efficient to lower annoying unmanned vehicles.

 Concerns about intrusions of drone for purposes of espionage or violation of privacy Are the order of the day in the United States, and while one of the ways to get rid of one of these unmanned vehicles could be with a conventional rifle and some good aim, even in a country where much of Its states there is the freedom to carry weapons this seems a good idea.

So this week a company revealed its prototype rifle that gets the same (lowering drones in flight), does so without firing a single ammunition.

This is DroneDefender, an invention introduced by Battelle, an Ohio research and development firm that claims to be non-profit. It is "the first portable, accurate, fast and easy-to-use weapon in the detention of suspected or hostile drones in flight, providing protection to the home and its surroundings," they say on their site.

While not a weapon in the conventional sense of the word, it is a huge breakthrough in what they consider "fighting" against unwanted drone activity. In fact, it seems to have the perfect anti-drone technology. It resembles a modern rifle, but instead of a front gun has an antenna that emits radio waves to force the arrest of the drones, inhibiting the frequency of radio control used to handle them. It is a non-destructive technology that provides "a non-kinetic solution to defend airspace up to 400 meters against quadricopters and hexacopters without compromising safety or risking collateral damage."

"This is the kind of tools we need to end the threat of a drone," says Dan Stamm, a researcher at Battelle. "DroneDefender can help protect us from those who might want to harm us," he says. The technical director, Alex Morrow, adds that it can be used in different environments, "from the White House to embassies, from prisons and schools to historical sites," because it reliably and simply neutralizes the threat.
While the video embedded above shows a demo of DroneDefender in simulated action due to federal regulations in the United States, Battelle claims that it has been successfully tested in numerous field situations

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