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jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Drone Gun - Noe Ramos

  Drone Gun 

The Battelle firm provides in USA, This new non-conventional weapon And low risk Efficient to lower annoying unmanned vehicles.

 Concerns about intrusions of drone for purposes of espionage or violation of privacy Are the order of the day in the United States, and while one of the ways to get rid of one of these unmanned vehicles could be with a conventional rifle and some good aim, even in a country where much of Its states there is the freedom to carry weapons this seems a good idea.

So this week a company revealed its prototype rifle that gets the same (lowering drones in flight), does so without firing a single ammunition.

This is DroneDefender, an invention introduced by Battelle, an Ohio research and development firm that claims to be non-profit. It is "the first portable, accurate, fast and easy-to-use weapon in the detention of suspected or hostile drones in flight, providing protection to the home and its surroundings," they say on their site.

While not a weapon in the conventional sense of the word, it is a huge breakthrough in what they consider "fighting" against unwanted drone activity. In fact, it seems to have the perfect anti-drone technology. It resembles a modern rifle, but instead of a front gun has an antenna that emits radio waves to force the arrest of the drones, inhibiting the frequency of radio control used to handle them. It is a non-destructive technology that provides "a non-kinetic solution to defend airspace up to 400 meters against quadricopters and hexacopters without compromising safety or risking collateral damage."

"This is the kind of tools we need to end the threat of a drone," says Dan Stamm, a researcher at Battelle. "DroneDefender can help protect us from those who might want to harm us," he says. The technical director, Alex Morrow, adds that it can be used in different environments, "from the White House to embassies, from prisons and schools to historical sites," because it reliably and simply neutralizes the threat.
While the video embedded above shows a demo of DroneDefender in simulated action due to federal regulations in the United States, Battelle claims that it has been successfully tested in numerous field situations

Tecnology Flex - Martin Garcia

                                                                Tecnología Flex

Conceptually, the flexibility of technology refers to the breadth or ease with which machines, technical knowledge and raw materials can be used in other products or services.

In other words, a flexible technology is one that can be used in different areas or areas of application. For example, a chip can be used in credit cards, passports, televisions, computers and even people and animals

Physically, flexible technology refers to any technology that can be bent or curved generally manually.

For example the flexible screens, currently under development that would allow small devices, such as cell phones, to be able to bend. Bracelets with flexible displays are also being developed.

Thanks to advances in technology, it is possible to install flexible circuit boards practically anywhere and also able to illuminate spaces and project images. Predictably this technology will be the basis of many of the everyday devices of the future.

Intelligent Building - Sanchez Ventura Kevin " El TORO MAX"

Intelligent Building

Is the automatic centralized control  of a building´s heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lightingand other systems through a building management system or building automation system (BAS) The objectives of building automation are improved occupant comfort, efficient operation of building systems, and reduction in energy consumption and operating costs, and improved life cycle of utilities.
Building automation is an example of a distributed control system – the computer networking of electronic devices designed to monitor and control the mechanical, security, fire and flood safety, lighting (especially emergency lighting), HVAC and humidity control and ventilation systems in a building.

BAS core functionality keeps building climate within a specified range, provides light to rooms based on an occupancy schedule (in the absence of overt switches to the contrary), monitors performance and device failures in all systems, and provides malfunction alarms to building maintenance staff. A BAS should reduce building energy and maintenance costs compared to a non-controlled building. Most commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings built after 2000 include a BAS. Many older buildings have been retrofitted with a new BAS, typically financed through energy and insurance savings, and other savings associated with pre-emptive maintenance and fault detection.

Almost all multi-story green buildings are designed to accommodate a BAS for the energy, air and water conservation characteristics. Electrical device demand response is a typical function of a BAS, as is the more sophisticated ventilation and humidity monitoring required of "tight" insulated buildings. Most green buildings also use as many low-power DC devices as possible, typically integrated with power over Ethernet wiring, so by definition always accessible to a BAS through the Ethernet connectivity. Even a passivhaus design intended to consume no net energy whatsoever will typically require a BAS to manage heat capture, shading and venting, and scheduling device use.

ANTIVIRUS Placensia Juan de dios

The world of security has evolved. We are no longer dealing with the simple threats of viruses that came through the physical formats of many years ago: now we must be alert to malware, adware and any other malicious software that can seek to make money at the cost of our suffering .

Fortunately, antivirus programs have also evolved and offer security measures that know how to keep these threats at bay (more or less). And there is another good news: there are free antivirus that cover most of the needs of the user base. Let's see what options we have for Windows.
Free Antivirus for Windows: What do they have to have to be the best?

A Windows system without antivirus and one with an antivirus installed can be very different, and precisely in that difference is where we have to look for benefits or drawbacks. We can start with the essentials: An antivirus should affect as little as possible the overall performance of the computer.


There are several tests that measure this performance, such as the PC Mark test that starts from a score of 100 that signals the performance of a computer without security software installed and decreases as it measures the "slowing factor" that the Antivirus. The lower the score, the better the antivirus.

In terms of efficiency in detecting threats, we can choose to look at the VirusBulletin VB100 test. Completely independent of any antivirus developer, this test tests those programs to see if they detect certain threats or not.

Bolotweet Adelaida Quintana

Bolotweet, social network for the classroom.

Engineers of the faculty of Informatic science of the Complutensian University of Madrid (UCM) (Spain) they have developed Bolotweet, an application that is used during the last few minutes of class to check the level of understanding of the students about what they have just learn.
It uses the idea of microannotations or twits, that is to say, very brief texts that are evaluated by the teacher using a scale of 0 to 3.
The student dedicate last the ten minutes of class to write an idea of 170 characters that summarizes some of what was said by the teacher. Then uploads it to the cloud using a laptop or smartphone.
The teachers can go evaluating ideas that are uploaded on the fly or end evaluate the ideas of the previous class. They scored annotations always and when the content is understood, is concrete and original.
The tool turns out to them very useful to the professors to identify, in each class, how the students are acquiring concepts. Also aid to these at the time of preparing its examinations.
Electronic reference:

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Portable scanner GADNIC - Guerrero Padilla Jesus

 Portable scanner GADNIC

TSN470 Has a system of analysis that allows to analyze twice until more express, you will even be able to turn a scanned text an editable text file to work from your movable PC or dispositive. In addition, ″ counts on a 1.44 screen LCD so that you can visualize the process finalized with the best definition.

It is a tool that optimizes the quality of your work with a resolution of 1200 DPI, scans documentsImages, works, and texts.
ScanSnap S1100 is the perfect solution for the document interchange and images in the cloud, essential for any home and company.
It allows to work of more efficient form to all the people who are related to organizations who offer services and proceedings online, not only by their ease of use but by his reduced dimensions that allow to take it to any part.

With ScanSnap S1100 it is not necessary to form to driver, single is necessary to know what it is wanted to do, since single it of automatic form, makes all the necessary adjustments of resolution, size, color, etc.

ScanSnap S1100 is the perfect solution for the document interchange and images in the cloud, essential for any home and company. It allows to work of more efficient form to all the people who are related to organizations who offer services and proceedings online, not only by their ease of use but by his reduced dimensions that allow to take it to any part. With ScanSnap S1100 it is not necessary to form to driver, single is necessary to know what it is wanted to do, since single it of automatic form, makes all the necessary adjustments of resolution, size, color, etc.Micro SD brings a memory up to 32 GB.It scans plastic cards and other different types from documentos* In addition to the conventional types of paper, the S1100i is able to scan plastic cards such as licenses to lead and cards in relief.
It scans documents and images and it transforms them into digital archives you go Post: 1276 Ideal for lawyers, auditors, executives, educational and students.



The technology and the art - Gema Viridiana

It think in the word art. What comes him to the mind? Perhaps Picasso, Rodin or Dalí.

Now it think in technology, and probably will imagine  an intelligent telephone or a computer.
Along the history, the technology has offered new tools of expression to the artists.
At present these two disciplines, apparently distinct, are more related that never, being the technology a fundamental strength in the development and evolution of the art.
All over the world, there are people designing our future. Internet, the digital manufacture, the nano and biotechnology, automodificación, the reality increased or virtual, "the singularity"... What was, all this is altering our lives and our vision of the world and of us same.
The scientists, programmers of computer software, inventors, emprendedores and also musicians, visual artists, directors of cinema and designers are busy creating new human experiences.
Thanks to them, no only it is  doing an original art everywhere, but forms of art entirely new also are evolving.
Increasingly artists push the limits of the art, looking further of what considers  "traditional" to incorporate other appearances in his work.
The art Is doing  every time less static, adopting a lot of different forms, from the impression of sculptures created digitally in three dimensions until flashmobs, going through photographers that portray to cientos of nude volunteers in the beach.

The power of the network
And the rules of the game also are changing.
From the beginning of the era of the postmodern art, there by the decade of 1860, the most influential actors ?Artists of renown, curadores of museums, critics of art, promoters of fairs of art and, especially, powerful owners of galleries- have dictaminado the behaviour of the world of the art.
But the modern forms in that it is creating , producing, distributing, commercialising, preserving and supporting the art have changed, like direct reaction to the transition to a digital society connected: the era of internet.
Traditionally, the artists attended to the galleries with his works and the gallery decided if the material was the sufficiently good to be exposed.
Now, they attend to internet to exhibit and sell his work.
With new services like the phenomenon of the crowdfunding (financiamiento collective), for the first time the artists are able to collect money in the web to realise his ideas.
Only in 2011, the place of internet of crowdfunding Kickstarter collected almost US$100 millions in commitments for more than 27.000 projects related with the art.
The artists use the social networks like a powerful tool to modify the relation between the collectors and the public, identifying successfully to people that look for pieces of specific art.
Possibly, the traditional market of the art -collectors, owners of galleries, critics, curadores and even other artists- can question that the artist that uses internet for the promotion of his work was a true professional.
But any one that was the reaction, the change already is occurring and is too important.
The market of the art will assume it and will accustom  to this, as always sucede.

True art?
Along the history and till lately time, was an elite the one who participated especially in the development and creation of the art, whereas the rest of the society simply enjoyed of the master works.
The public was a mere passive observer.
Today day, in our world connected, almost all the people creates.
With internet and the new technologies of manufacture, mix, edition, manipulation and distribution, facilitates  create things and share them with the world.
What is changing, and can be that -discutiblemente- for worse, is that now it is easier create "art" and see a big quantity of bad "art" that creates  and exposes .
A big worry is that, like result of so many tools and new technicians, can lose the sense and the skill to evaluate what is art of good quality.
In art, what does  popular is not necessarily good - and vice versa. A lot of ideas and new artistic works were difficult to digest when they appeared for the first time.
In my opinion, the artists have in front of himself the challenge of, at the same time, be more opened to the new technologies that drive to new forms of expression and keep truly creative and imaginative.
But still yes, there are not limits. And satisfied the technology -especially the computer- continue progressing, always there will be willing people to experience, trying surpass the limit of what has done  previously and that they will be excellent in this.
The curador Hans Ulrich Obrist, codirector of the gallery Serpentine, said once: "I do not think that we can predict or prescribe the future of the art. It is the famous 'surprise me' of Diaghilev and Cocteau; the big art always surprises us, carries us to the less expected place".

Courses dared
Therefore, in what need to think the artists centred in creating art using technology?
An engineer of graphic software, Branch Hoetzlein, says that the artists "of the new current" means have to think no only in the tools of the present, also have to establish a dialogue with the artists of the past, that at the same time pursue us and challenge us so that we rise on the mundane.
I think that any modern artist needs to agree to promote the art to in front, invent, define new paradigms of expression with powerful meanings.
It treats  of the experience that the artist provides him to the public, already was with provocation or to change the form in that the viewer thinks, feels and perceives the world.
This is what really explains and does not have at all that see with the technicians that the artist chooses.
Therefore, the aim of a contemporary artist that decant  for creating art with the new technologies does not have to be "extract" meaning of the technological platform but employ it like base for his new and audacious course.
And in my opinion, the art that exceeds the limits and defines new meanings is the one who will transform the form as we think and feel, in the actuality and in the future.

Food printer - Anhely Yazmin

The printer allows you to create plates with the ingredients that are put into the 120 centimeters capsules and can work up to five different foods at a time.
The nutritionist Alex Vidal, professor of Health Sciences Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), stresses that this new technology, besides using to print parts in the industrial sector, manufacture prostheses for medicine or make figures More than decoration, you are also entering the kitchen.
With this new tool you can design elements, volumes and textures to give a return to the different proposals and the dishes that great restorers make, says Vidal.
Several companies have become interested in 3D food printing. One is Máquinas Naturales, an emerging company based in Barcelona that sells Foodini, a machine that works with capsules and a great variety of foods, both sweet and salty.
Vidal regrets that, although it may be useful for certain groups of people, at the moment this technology "is not accessible for all" among other things for its price, "which in many cases exceeds 1,000 euros." For this reason, so far only have been introduced in the restoration and mainly in innovative establishments and of a certain level.
Most 3D food printers work similarly to a pastry bag: adding layers and layers of food and is often used with creamy and non-hard ingredients such as chocolate, cream cheese, pasta, ice cream, jam , Mustard, or peanut butter.
Vidal points out that it can not yet be printed with all sorts of ingredients. "This is a challenge that the industry still has, along with the introduction of cooking, since most of the machines do not cook and need to finish the dish in the oven, in the pan and in the pot," he said. To print a pizza or a cake, hay to test the raw material machine, program and wait until they prepare the dish, a process that can take only five minutes until the blackjack, depending on the recipe and difficulty. This type of devices are used successfully in Cafeteria.

Virus Informatic - Christian Pelayo

 "Virus informatic.
Christian Orlando Pelayo Naranjo"

Computer viruses are as old as personal computers. Since the early eighties, these threats began to invade computer equipment, spread and created problems to become real headaches for users. At first, they simply sent messages on screen and consumed system resources; however, the degree of sophistication and the harm it can generate today has drawn the attention of specialized companies that devote much of their efforts to detect, control and eliminate this malware.

What is a virus informatic ?

In its simplest definition, a computer virus is a program that has the characteristic of creating copies of itself, but always depending on a file to be able to exert its viral action; (in 1959 the mathematician Leonel S. Penrose published the article "Self Reproducing machines", which describes programs capable of activating, self-reproducing and making changes of themselves), it was not until 1983 when The term "virus" is proposed by Engineer Fred Cohen. Its propagation strategy is similar to that of a biological virus; that is, the viral code requires inserting itself on the contents of a file that has also been activated code, and yet it is a virus-free virus in a data file, when it is Opened by an editor or application software can execute a sequence of implicit instructions in which to activate its viral action.
It should be noted that for some years the creation of viruses was decreasing, which resulted in worms, programs that create copies of themselves (that's why they are also often called viruses), but without files dependent to be able to run, What makes it more complex and dangerous.
They are generally propagated through the network (Internet worms), email (email worms) or both (multivector worms), generating harmful effects on clients, servers or bandwidth.
There is an endless list of problems that viruses are capable of causing, for example, deteriorating, destroying or deleting data files or even databases, deleting and modifying executable files, blocking the operating system layout, saturating main memory with data Insertable, hard disk space, alter the operation of the application software, creating useless traffic on the network, stealing confidential information, on control and hardware from damaging.
The main suspicions of the existence of a virus in our computers are due to the generally sudden and exaggerated slowness in the execution of application programs or to start the load of the operating system (blocking the equipment), constant blocking of the equipment, problems to access the (Hard drives, flash memory), abnormally erratic printing or inability to print documents, identification of filenames with special characters (sequences of numbers or signs: $, &, /, *,!) Very long, location of Files with unreasonably large sizes or unusual message display.

Electronic reference.

Artificial intelligence - Hector Chavez Enciso

Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para inteligencia artificial

In the field of computer science is called as artificial intelligence to the faculty of reasoning that holds an agent that is not alive, such is the case of a robot.
For now, it is sufficiently clear that the goal of AI is to understand the nature of intelligence through the design of computer systems that exhibit it. More concretely, it can be said that, in what has elapsed from its short history.

AI has been directed by three general objectives:

- The theoretical analysis of possible explanations of intelligent behavior.
- The explanation of human mental abilities.
- The construction of intelligent artifacts (computers).

These robots in addition to being able to reason, are able to develop many behaviors and activities especially human, such as solving a given problem, practicing a sport, among others.

AI was introduced to the scientific community in 1950 by the Englishman Alan Turing in his article "Computational Machinery and Intelligence." Although research on the design and capabilities of computers began a few years ago, it was until Turing's article that the idea of an intelligent machine captivated scientists' attention. But, the concept of Artificial Intelligence, also known by the acronym AI, is due to the American computer scientist John McCarthy, who in 1956 pronounced it for the first time in a conference causing a great impact in the field of technology. From then, the concept has spread fantastically world and that is why today is so common its use when we want to refer us to those machines or devices equipped with a simile intelligence of the human beings.

Characteristics that define artificial intelligence:

1. Reactive machines.
You may have heard of Deep Blue, the IBM-made supercomputer that defeated the great teacher and world chess champion, Garri Kasparov, in 1997. Deep Blue belongs to the most basic type of Artificial Intelligence that exists: reactive machines. This type of AI does not have the ability to store memories or use past experiences to make decisions.

Reactive machines perceive the world directly and act out of what they see. Their functioning does not require them to create a model of the world. For example, Deep Blue can identify the pieces on a chessboard, make predictions about the possible next moves of his opponent and choose the best answers, but he knows nothing of the past or the experiences he has had in previous games.

2. Machines with limited memory.
Autonomous cars also include this other type of Artificial Intelligence, with which they can take a look at the past. This class of cars has the ability to monitor speed and direction for a specific period. According to Hintze, this data is added to the representation of the world that has been loaded into the computer, which includes the localization of traffic lights, traffic signals or curves of a road.

3. Machines with a Theory of Mind.
People, animals, plants and now, some objects, have thoughts and emotions that directly affect their behavior, the study and awareness of this phenomenon are known as Theory of Mind. For researcher Michael Hintze, this is the main feature that differentiates the machines that have been built so far that will be developed in the future.
According to the assistant professor at Michigan State University, this type of recognition has been crucial in shaping human societies. "If we do not understand the intentions and motives of others, and if we do not take into account what another person knows about me or the environment, working together is a much more complicated task if not impossible," he explained.

4. Machines with self-awareness.
Machines that are able to construct a representation of themselves will be the last step of Artificial Intelligence systems. "Artificial Intelligence researchers should not only know how consciousness works, but we must build machines that have one," explains Michael Hintze.
Those beings with self-consciousness know their internal states and therefore, are able to predict the feelings of others. For example, we are able to identify that a person suffers pain when he has fallen, because we ourselves have felt pain when falling.

Resultado de imagen para inteligencia artificial

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI:
- In the workplace reduces additional costs and wages.
- Being an attraction, leads to generate more income.
- Applications have been developed that perform tasks that man could never have done because of its complexity.
- Can predict long-term situations.
- Reduces the time consumed to perform certain activity.
  - Achieve great findings and progress.
- As software, they require constant updates (maintenance).
- Making these expert systems requires a lot of time and money.
- To create machines that are self-sufficient and capable of displacing the human race.
- The irrational and exaggerated use of this technology could lead to the domination of machines over man, as well as to become very dependent on them.
- Man feels less important when a machine or a system "overcomes" it.
Anyway, the AI is something that is revolutionizing the world, because with the new technologies robots can do things more similar to humans.

And like every technology has advantages and disadvantages, because every time that robots are better as in the industry people are less busy in business.

made by: Héctor Darío Chávez Enciso


AUTOR: Luis Fernando Vargas Ramirez


The SPIN Remote SDC-1 Universal Remote is a great looking bit of kit which aims to replace your many remotes with a single device.
There isn’t much to it, it opens to allow 2 AA batteries to be installed.
To get it setup you’ll need to download the companion app, fire this up and it’ll detect the remote and apply a software update if required.
In the app you can then create different profiles to control a range of gadgets. You swap between the profiles by tapping the S on top of the controller and the light colour indicated which profile is in use.

The idea is that this can replace all your existing remotes for all your gadgets, and it almost manages this. You assign different actions to different gestures, so for example spinning it activates volume up or down (depending which way you spin).
To teach the SPIN commands you need to point the existing remote and press the corresponding key. This feels time intensive compared to the Logitech Harmony remote system that can download commands for your specific device without having to teach the remote, but is a similar system as used in The Wand Company remotes that also require you to program in each command.
The Spin didn’t like my LG Magic Remote, refusing to recognise commands. Fortunately this remote is actually use to control and amplifier and Tivo rather than the TV itself and the Spin had no problem accepting commands from either of those remotes.

The commands are learnt very quickly, but with such a range of options you’ll need to be good at remembering what action performs what command.

The spin gestures work well, the trackpad gestures are a little hit and miss. Sometimes I’ll do one gesture and it’ll think I’m doing another but perhaps I need more practice with it.

The pad can work really well, you’ll see me use it to control the Tivo menu system in the review video.

A second issue I ran into was that some features were listed as coming soon, for example I couldn’t make use of the Nest or Lifx options in the app.

So it’s a nice bit of kit that currently feels unfinished. If you’re not interested in those missing features and you want a cool universal remote this is a great little item that has stiff competition from the likes of The Wand Company and Logitech.

nintendo switch - Jose Omar Reyes Mora

                                     nintendo switch

Resultado de imagen para nintendo switch neon
Through its official website, Nintendo has offered the technical features of the system that will define its future. On the one hand confirms that Nintendo does not change the race of 4K in which have penetrated Microsoft and Sony in recent months, although we also find the data quite curious, as the LAN connection is removable.

Through its official website, Nintendo has offered the technical features of the system that 
will define its future. On the one hand it is confirmed that Nintendo Switch will not enter the 
4K race in which they have entered Microsoft and Sony in recent months, although we also 
find quite curious details, such as that the LAN connection will require an adapter or that the 
battery   is not   removable.



102 mm x 239 mm x 13.9 mm (with Joy-Con coupled)
Note: 28.44 mm in the thickest part, from the end of the analog levers 
to the protrusions of the ZL / ZR buttons.
Approximately 297 g (With Joy-Con coupled: 398 g)
Capacitive touchscreen / 6.2 inch LCD / 1280x720 resolution
NVIDIA Tegra Processor
Note: Some of the internal memory is reserved for the operating system of the console.
• Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac compatible)
• Bluetooth 4.1 (Only in TV mode LAN cable can be connected using a LAN adapter available in stores)
Maximum resolution: 1920x1080, 60 fps
Note: Output via HDMI cable in TV mode. In desktop and laptop mode, the maximum resolution is 1280x720, which is the resolution of the screen.
Compatible with Linear PCM 5.1
Note: Output via HDMI cable in TV mode.
• USB Type-C terminal
To charge or connect to the Nintendo Switch base.
Stereo output
Only for Nintendo Switch Game Cards
Compatible with micro SD, micro SD HC and micro SD XC memory cards.
Note: An update via the internet is required to use microSDXC memory cards.
• Accelerometer
• Gyroscope
• Brightness sensor
Temperature: 5 - 35 ° C / Humidity: 20 - 80%
• Lithium-ion battery
• Battery capacity 4310 mAh
Note: The internal battery cannot be removed.
The battery life may exceed six hours, but will depend on the program being used 
and the conditions of use. For example, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can 
be used for about three hours on a single charge.
Approximately three hours
Note: This is the time it takes to load the console while in standby mode.

Although reference is made to several functions that are only available through their TV mode,
 these technical characteristics are based mostly on what the console itself offers, since the Dock
 that turns it into a desktop system, Basically fulfills the function of adapting what is seen in the console 
to the television, although it becomes official that its limit in this mode will be in a 
maximum resolution of 1920x1080 and to 60 fps.
Made by Jose Omar Reyes Mora