It think in the word art. What comes him to the mind? Perhaps Picasso, Rodin or Dalí.
Now it think in technology, and probably will imagine an intelligent telephone or a computer.
Along the history, the technology has offered new tools of expression to the artists.
At present these two disciplines, apparently distinct, are more related that never, being the technology a fundamental strength in the development and evolution of the art.
All over the world, there are people designing our future. Internet, the digital manufacture, the nano and biotechnology, automodificación, the reality increased or virtual, "the singularity"... What was, all this is altering our lives and our vision of the world and of us same.
The scientists, programmers of computer software, inventors, emprendedores and also musicians, visual artists, directors of cinema and designers are busy creating new human experiences.
Thanks to them, no only it is doing an original art everywhere, but forms of art entirely new also are evolving.
Increasingly artists push the limits of the art, looking further of what considers "traditional" to incorporate other appearances in his work.
The art Is doing every time less static, adopting a lot of different forms, from the impression of sculptures created digitally in three dimensions until flashmobs, going through photographers that portray to cientos of nude volunteers in the beach.
The power of the network
And the rules of the game also are changing.
From the beginning of the era of the postmodern art, there by the decade of 1860, the most influential actors ?Artists of renown, curadores of museums, critics of art, promoters of fairs of art and, especially, powerful owners of galleries- have dictaminado the behaviour of the world of the art.
But the modern forms in that it is creating , producing, distributing, commercialising, preserving and supporting the art have changed, like direct reaction to the transition to a digital society connected: the era of internet.
Traditionally, the artists attended to the galleries with his works and the gallery decided if the material was the sufficiently good to be exposed.
Now, they attend to internet to exhibit and sell his work.
With new services like the phenomenon of the crowdfunding (financiamiento collective), for the first time the artists are able to collect money in the web to realise his ideas.
Only in 2011, the place of internet of crowdfunding Kickstarter collected almost US$100 millions in commitments for more than 27.000 projects related with the art.
The artists use the social networks like a powerful tool to modify the relation between the collectors and the public, identifying successfully to people that look for pieces of specific art.
Possibly, the traditional market of the art -collectors, owners of galleries, critics, curadores and even other artists- can question that the artist that uses internet for the promotion of his work was a true professional.
But any one that was the reaction, the change already is occurring and is too important.
The market of the art will assume it and will accustom to this, as always sucede.
True art?
Along the history and till lately time, was an elite the one who participated especially in the development and creation of the art, whereas the rest of the society simply enjoyed of the master works.
The public was a mere passive observer.
Today day, in our world connected, almost all the people creates.
With internet and the new technologies of manufacture, mix, edition, manipulation and distribution, facilitates create things and share them with the world.
What is changing, and can be that -discutiblemente- for worse, is that now it is easier create "art" and see a big quantity of bad "art" that creates and exposes .
A big worry is that, like result of so many tools and new technicians, can lose the sense and the skill to evaluate what is art of good quality.
In art, what does popular is not necessarily good - and vice versa. A lot of ideas and new artistic works were difficult to digest when they appeared for the first time.
In my opinion, the artists have in front of himself the challenge of, at the same time, be more opened to the new technologies that drive to new forms of expression and keep truly creative and imaginative.
But still yes, there are not limits. And satisfied the technology -especially the computer- continue progressing, always there will be willing people to experience, trying surpass the limit of what has done previously and that they will be excellent in this.
The curador Hans Ulrich Obrist, codirector of the gallery Serpentine, said once: "I do not think that we can predict or prescribe the future of the art. It is the famous 'surprise me' of Diaghilev and Cocteau; the big art always surprises us, carries us to the less expected place".
Courses dared
Therefore, in what need to think the artists centred in creating art using technology?
An engineer of graphic software, Branch Hoetzlein, says that the artists "of the new current" means have to think no only in the tools of the present, also have to establish a dialogue with the artists of the past, that at the same time pursue us and challenge us so that we rise on the mundane.
I think that any modern artist needs to agree to promote the art to in front, invent, define new paradigms of expression with powerful meanings.
It treats of the experience that the artist provides him to the public, already was with provocation or to change the form in that the viewer thinks, feels and perceives the world.
This is what really explains and does not have at all that see with the technicians that the artist chooses.
Therefore, the aim of a contemporary artist that decant for creating art with the new technologies does not have to be "extract" meaning of the technological platform but employ it like base for his new and audacious course.
And in my opinion, the art that exceeds the limits and defines new meanings is the one who will transform the form as we think and feel, in the actuality and in the future.